Josh’s Substack
By Faith Alone Podcast
Mark 11:1-25, Glory in the Temple

Mark 11:1-25, Glory in the Temple

In Jerusalem, the Mount of Olives sits to the east, 300 feet higher than Jerusalem. For many years the glory of God had left the temple. Now with the coming of Jesus, the glory of God comes back down from the Mount of Olives and has returned once again to the temple. The question then comes, now that the glory has returned to the temple, how will we respond? Will we listen to Jesus’ command to have faith in God with a faith that can move mountains? Do we follow his command to pray faithfully? Do we follow his command to forgive? May we know this glorious savior who has reconciled to himself all things.

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Josh’s Substack
By Faith Alone Podcast
Through Christ we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God (Romans 5:2). Here you can find sermons that were given at Hammond Christian Reformed Church!