Josh’s Substack
By Faith Alone Podcast
Mark 11:27-12:44, Jesus the Savior

Mark 11:27-12:44, Jesus the Savior

Jesus was seen by his opponents as someone who was useless, to be thrown out like a piece of trash to be easily discarded. In the end they had him killed. Because of our own sin we, too, do not always value Jesus for who he is. In today’s passage Jesus demonstrates his great authority. He calls us to respond to that great authority by trusting in him as our great savior and making him the Lord of our life. We do that by giving our wholehearted devotion to him above all other allegiances.

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Josh’s Substack
By Faith Alone Podcast
Through Christ we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God (Romans 5:2). Here you can find sermons that were given at Hammond Christian Reformed Church!