Josh’s Substack
By Faith Alone Podcast
Mark 8:22-9:1, Seeing Jesus Clearly

Mark 8:22-9:1, Seeing Jesus Clearly

In today’s passage Jesus heals the blind man, but he doesn’t heal him all at once. At first, the man sees only partially, only when Jesus touches him again does he see things clearly. Why did Jesus heal him in two stages? It was meant to show us the type of faith that the disciples, and all of us, have. Peter confessed the true Messiah - that Jesus was the Christ. But the type of Messiah he was looking for was only partially right. Jesus wasn’t just a political ruler, he was a suffering Savior. We, too, often only get Jesus partially right. Yet we are called to see Jesus clearly as we take up our cross and follow Christ.

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Josh’s Substack
By Faith Alone Podcast
Through Christ we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God (Romans 5:2). Here you can find sermons that were given at Hammond Christian Reformed Church!