Josh’s Substack
By Faith Alone Podcast
Mark 9:2-13, The Son of Man Shines

Mark 9:2-13, The Son of Man Shines

In this part of the gospel of Mark, Jesus is transfigured before the eyes of his friends, Peter, James, and John. The shining face of Christ reflects several Old Testament passages; the Son of Man in the book of Daniel, the Beautific Vision of Moses in Exodus 33, and Elijah in 2 Kings. In this amazing story we see heaven breaking through and Jesus shining as God himself. Our calling is to listen to this resurrected Son of Man and to reflect his goodness to a dying world.

Josh’s Substack
By Faith Alone Podcast
Through Christ we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God (Romans 5:2). Here you can find sermons that were given at Hammond Christian Reformed Church!